Monday, January 11, 2010

He's here... Finally!!!

So finally at 38 weeks and 5 days my contractions decided to get regular and stronger :). He was waiting for the final letter of his name to be finished for his room. I finished getting it painted at about the same time I decided it was time to head to the hospital. We got admitted to the hospital at about 10:45pm (I was 5 cm dilated and 75% effaced, -2 station) At 11:45pm my doctor came in and was surprised to find me happily chatting with the nurse and my husband in between contractions.
She checked me and I was 7 cm and completely effaced. She said she thought things would go quickly if she broke my water. I agreed and labored down for a bit less then an hour. At about 12:42 am she told me I could bear down with my next contraction but not to over do it and push as I was about 9 1/2cm. So I bore down for the next minute and half with about 2 more contractions and at 12:44 am my beautiful 6lb 11oz and 18in long little boy was born on January 10, 2010.
I was once again able to reach down after head and shoulders were delivered and finish delivering him by bringing him out and to my chest.

He is absolutely amazing and I still can't believe how quickly and smoothly it went. I was blessed with no hemorrhaging this time around absolutely no tearing. It has been a great couple of days getting to know my beautiful Killien Christopher.


  1. He's perfect :)

    Nicole Starr - AWF

  2. Congrats!!!! He is beautiful. How much did he weigh and how long. Can't wait to see him. Love To you all. Aunt Liz

  3. I read the blog again and found the answer to my question. Thanks, and Congratulations

  4. Awwww!!!!! He's adorable!!!!!!!


  5. He is adorable! what a great story! Congrats!

  6. What an amazing and beautiful story! You have a beautiful family Lindsey! Congratulations!

  7. I am so happy that Killen is here and so sad that I can't be there with all of you!! I love you guys so much. He's perfectly beautiful. And that little Maddissyn...what a beauty.

  8. Beautiful baby & pix Linds. Glad everything went so well for you. Looks like Maddie is taking to her brother very well. Lots of love to all.
    Papa & Nana

  9. Lin,
    You are an amazing mom, wife, and sister in law!! Can't wait to meet the little guy! Kisses to the kids from us!!
