Friday, January 22, 2010


So it seems that things in life are constantly changing. This change is not necessarily a bad thing and honestly, most recently they have all been extremely great occurrences. However, with every change comes a new sense of fear and an understanding that the unknown factor has grown by leaps and bounds.

One of my family's newest changes has come in the form of a little tiny bundle of a baby. Killien entered our family environment almost 2 weeks ago and has been such a blessing. He has, however, added an interesting addition of work that has been overwhelming at times. Byron had the first 10 days of Killien's life off of work, but Wednesday morning he had toreturn to work and it became apparent that it is much easier to attend to just 1 child instead of 2. Byron has been having to work late (as well as be out late to fix the car) leaving me with 2 kids by myself until about 8 or 9 pm the past 2 days. For this reason I did not get a shower for about 2 days straight.

My little peanut is also growing up which has brought its own challenges as well. She has figured out that she can get out of her big girl bed which has made nap time non existent for the past several days. I am so sick of grumpy guss Maddie.I wanted to beat her yesterday, but instead resisted the urge and just finally left her to her room for about 1 1/2 hours. It is hard to watch her constantly for an hour to make sure she stays in bed when I have another little one crying in the other room. Hopefully this gets easier. I hate seeing her put up such a fight when she is obviously so tired.

Finally, to top it all off is the transition that our entire family is about to be making. My husband and I have made the decision to leave the traditional military life (though he may still enter a National Guard unit). We have been talking and planning for this for a while, but there were several things that could not be done until others had fallen into place. We are now both actively searching for employment opportunities with the hopes that only one of us will have to work while the other goes to school and is able to be more actively involved in the kids lives leaving them in child care less often. Things now feel very official as Byron has begun ACAP and is no longer set to go to NTC with his unit. Such a blessing, but definitely a dose of reality that has let us know we have to make sure we are set for this transition.

It is scary facing all of this, while exciting at the same time. There is a lot of unknown that we are facing at this point in time and we are tasked with caring for these two precious babies while having to deal with it all. Talk about scary, daunting, etc. While I look forward to a life that leaves my husband getting to see our babies grow up, the military is also the only thing we have ever known in our marriage or even relationship as we have always been preparing for it or in it.
I just ask that all of you who are reading will keep our family in your prayers as we begin this journey of transition. We look forward to getting moved closer to all of you as we miss the fellowship of our relationships with each of you. Thank you for your prayers in advance.


  1. Oh Linds...I hope you know that I SO understand (most of) what you are going through. It seems like there is so much change in the air for so many of us...and you're's scary AND exciting. I can't wait to have you closer (hopefully only a few blocks away?) and get to see those beauties more often. Your babies are adorable and I know you are doing a terrific job of raising them. I love you all!!!!!

  2. Lindsey,
    We are so proud of the both of you! I know with all that you are facing it is very scary, but you have what it takes to make it as you move to a new chapter in the Hayes History! Looking forward to having you closer, we miss you all very much! Hope you'll be closer to home, at least within driving distance for an extended weekend visit.

  3. Linds, having children that close together is a real challenge for any mother. Missy & Mindy were only 15 months apart and I thought I'd go nuts before they would finallly get along and forget sibling rivalry ! lol
    Sound like you are handling it ok, tho. Love you all. Nana & Papa
